CEDARS Short Stay School



In 2022-23 all 19 pupils were single rolled.  6 (31.6%) are girls and 13 (68.4%) are boys. All of these students sat at least one exam, either at CEDARS base or with an Alternative Provider. 100% of those sitting exams achieved at least one qualification.

12/19 of those taking an exam sat Functional Skills or the English Language GCSE exam and 12 (100%) passed. This is on par with the results from summer 2022, and reflects the predicted grades for this cohort.

10/19 of those taking an exam sat Functional Skills or the Maths GCSE exam and 10 (83.3%) passed. This is on par with the results from summer 2022, and reflects the predicted grades for this cohort.

Students also achieved passes in Art & Design, Biology, Catering & Hospitality, City & Guilds Writing and Maths, Construction, Creative Media, D&T Product Design, Hair & Beauty, Health & Social Care, Information Technology, Literature and Sport.

Three leavers are ‘Looked After Children’. Two were taken out of Staffordshire before their exams were completed. One was taken out of Staffordshire before a post 16 placement was taken up.

Three of our leavers had Special Educational Needs but no appropriate placement was available for any of them.

The key indicator for Y11 success is NEET (Not in Education, Education or Training) prevention as all PRU students are regarded as ‘high RONI‘ (Risk ONeet Index). 18/19 (91.7%) of leavers had a year 12 destination arranged by July. The CEDARS SSS measurement of NEET/non-NEET is to check whether pupils are attending education/training during the last week of September and is not a presumed destination figure.